How To Make A Chorus Sound Bigger


New member
One of the questions I get asked the most by clients is how to make a chorus sound bigger. Many people believe there’s a special effect that will suddenly make their chorus sound huge and epic! Unfortunately that is not the case. While reverb, delay and other effects will help enhance the sound, fixing it during the mixing and mastering process is not the solution. The way to make your hook sound big is by stacking, stacking, stacking.
Check out the video I made about it if you wanna hear more!
One of the questions I get asked the most by clients is how to make a chorus sound bigger. Many people believe there’s a special effect that will suddenly make their chorus sound huge and epic! Unfortunately that is not the case. While reverb, delay and other effects will help enhance the sound, fixing it during the mixing and mastering process is not the solution. The way to make your hook sound big is by stacking, stacking, stacking.
Check out the video I made about it if you wanna hear more!

Or contrast.
Record double vocal lines, backvocals, tambourine to the offbeat, leaving some space and so on - it's more question of recording, i think.
most of it is gonna come from arrangement, but you can also do quick trips like widening the overheads or going pretty much full-on LCR spread and then keeping things a bit less full stereo in the verses.