Has anyone ever came across to record YOUR OWN vocals into an mpc for your own beats?


Sami Dawn
It crossed my mind that you could use a mic to record vocals into an mpc and just wonder about if anyone else had done that, produced tracks like that, similiar thoughts or so? Thanks!
Are you yourself doing this? If so what kind of MPC do you have and/or use and let me know how it goes.
Just a thought tho. I've heard you can plug in a mic to an mpc, surely don't know sounding and stuff otherwise, and had an idea with my mpc500 to do that if you record a beat to a full wav track; save it and re-assign to a pad and make new project and record as you do on Record/Record: Main (MPC500). Then record test; volume etc, and if all set just rhyme over the beat. Just my imagination. has anyone done that.