808 Samples Using the FL Sampler


New member
Hey Community.

Got a question regarding FL's sampler. Now i started making my own 808 samples recently, and I have started using them in my productions. But, tweakin with the instrument tab and the sample's envelope, I have noticed, effects the bass sample in some crazy (sometimes awesome) ways. For example, extending the release on the sample makes everything fade off nicely after the note is hit, or cutting the envelope to end right at the end of the key hit simply cuts off the sample all together. Now can someone explain this to me? Like the volume envelope and its relationship to the sample, as well as its effects? Would really help me get going. Throw in any functions you may think are useful and you like to use.
Attack (Fade In) Decay (Fade Out) Sustain (Stop Fading Out and Hold Volume at this Level until note is released) Release (2nd Fade Out after note is released).

The Relationship:
A long Release will cause a gradual fade out if you tap a key. A long decay and short release will cut off right after you lift your finger off the key.
Attack (Fade In) Decay (Fade Out) Sustain (Stop Fading Out and Hold Volume at this Level until note is released) Release (2nd Fade Out after note is released).

The Relationship:
A long Release will cause a gradual fade out if you tap a key. A long decay and short release will cut off right after you lift your finger off the key.

That's what it does yeah.

Except he behavior is slightly different as the sample being triggered has a finite length, you don't really get true sustain in the sample, because it will play until the end of either the sample or the envelope, and then stop, regardless of the traditional envelope settings.