music video ?

Good question,depend on music and your ability:)

There are many styles of MV right now choose what suit you
-shortmovie style


how I approach a music video revolves soley around budget. If it's under a couple grand (and I have done many low/no budget videos), I just grab a few takes in different settings and call it done. If it's a high budget, I oppease with pre pro meetings until everyone is in agreement then we tear into it.
OK, I give you an idea how to make music video. First of all you will require a good camera with a good amount of mega pixels. I would advise you to use at least 8mp. Homemade videos are inventive.There are three main steps that are used to make the music video: Record footage, Video Editing and thenAdd Music.After that you are done. Finalize your video by saving it, then upload it to the internet for the world to see you new homemade music video.
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