Writer's block


New member
Hey guys, I just recently joined the FP forums and spent a good bit of time browsing through tons of information in the forums which proved to be helpful. However I couldn't find any posts about how some of you producers cope with writer's block when you're working on a beat. This happens to be all the time, which makes it difficult for me to progress (I use FL studio and am still fairly new to producing). Like for example, I'd get stuck trying to make the perfect pad or melody that would match with a beat or sample. I also do not have much knowledge on music theory so for the most part I generally point and click on the piano roll in order to create the right sounds that fit with the rest of the mix. Any feedback would be great because I'm always looking for ways to improve when it comes to beatmaking.
A block can put a serious dent in inspiration and workflow, save the beat and start on something new. Come back to it with fresh ears
The trick is to have a relaxed attitude rather than try to force creativity, so stop thinking about what you are trying to accomplish for a while and it should just sort itself out.
The trick is to have a relaxed attitude rather than try to force creativity, so stop thinking about what you are trying to accomplish for a while and it should just sort itself out.

I have been there and I know a lot of people in the same situation. When you start producing you already imagine yourself creating the perfect track that get people exited. You think the first track you are going to finish is going to be like that. Unfortunately it's not gonna happen!

Produce what you like, just enjoy yourself doing so. If you don't know what to do just close your DAW and naturally you will think about the track and get back to it with fresh ideas. Do what you had in mind and close the DAW again when you run out of ideas. Just keep at it until you finish the track.

If you are a beginner then most likely the track will be mediocre. Who cares? You will have learned a lot. Start a new one and it will be better. Keep learning and doing this until you are fully comfortable with your production skills.

I'm saying this because in my opinion the writer's block comes from putting too much pressure on yourself and this pressure comes from having high expectations and dreading the long way to go until having this awesome track.

Remove this pressure. Enjoy producing. Have fun. The rest will come naturally!
If you don´t; learn some theory. C-G-Am-F; those 4 chords have hosted 100eds of hits. Take a peek at this funny clip from Axis Of Awesome using that chord progression

I do not get writers blocks anymore. I nowadays write out the song on the piano first. No twisting sounds, just a plain piano with a lil synth pad under it and a vocal track with a huge reverb on. Nothing to get lost in except making the melody. The chords are either something pre made or I find chords that suits the melody.

This way I never enter the studio/mixing without an idea.

Try it, might work for you; my writers block is long gone and I doubt I will see it again.
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