Why am I avoiding writing?


When I produce tracks its easy, I just jump into it and move through it but when it comes to writing - the part that I actually have passion for and am really interested in, I just can't bring myself to do it. I enjoy it when I get into it and its going well, its one of the best feelings but the pain of starting is awful. I'll literally be thinking about writing several times a day for a week before I actually do it and when I do it its because I'll hate myself too much if I dont.

I know some people seem to get sparked or inspired by something which will get them writing but that just doesn't seem to work for me. I'll get inspired by something then all the emotion from that will fade rather than snowball as I start writing (usually).

I'm at the point of ripping out all my hair, especially when I've had people say they really like some of the stuff I've done and want to hear more.
I should probably add I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety which I've been dealing with for years now which probably has a impact on this.
[FRENCH: sorry for the language mistakes;)]

I had the same problem for years, my personal main problem is that I wanted to get quality over quantity, I wanted to get the perfect song as soon as I known how to use my DAW but the fact that I was not reaching it was terribly depressing. But quality comes with quantity, keep this in your mind when you are not in the mood to produce.
Also, always in my opinion and if you are a kind of low-budget bedroom producer, having only software stuff to produce is a weakness. Having some hardware modular stuff calls you to start producing, it's more interactive.
Finally, take some times to make your own presets on your VSTI before starting producing a complete song, it will leads you to inspiration. (I export all my presets as a mp3 file to have a quick access to them as soon as my DAW is open:4theloveofgod:, sounds stupid but hearing your own personal sounds quickly put you in the mood to produce!)

Hope it will help you!
If there is one thing I'm thankful for, it's my ability to write. I don't know why or how, but as long as I have a concept the lyrics just pour onto notepad (lol)

To clarify.. when people say "writing" do they literally mean writing music/lyrics or just producing in general?