Newbie Producer


New member a newbie producer..i use flstudio..i got tons of ideas but i just cant put them on my daw..the sounds just dont make it up to the mark..i always get confused..sometimes sits infront of a blank canvas.
Any suggestions to improve n produce better??
The only way to improve and produce better is to just do it, but do not force yourself to create when you just can't and it happens to everyone.
Get inspired. Listen to your favorite beats from artists, listen to new popular songs, songs from genres you dont usually listen to. Go hunting for new sounds and VSTs. Make quick "idea" files and save them for later to go back to. Watch beatmaking videos or beat battles on youtube. Those are some things i do when i cant come up with things worth keeping.
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^ ya, just practice your daw (FL Studio). Learn it inside and out, ...but also learn some music theory to create the emotions you're trying to achieve in your music. You'll get the hang of it. The good ideas are easy to think up. Turning those ideas into something real is the challenge. Keep practicing, you'll get it.
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