New Blood Joins


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Hey guys, I've been writing my own songs for almost 7 years and now I want to get things more serious. I've been trying to learn music production for 2 months and I kinda make good edm songs but I have no idea what i'm doing I'm just trying everything that sounds good and mixed them all up. And I want to make more pop songs. And I don't know how to put the song or melody or rhythm in my head to production and on notes. I don't know anything about notes. And when I watch about mixing and mastering I think it's such a waste of time cuz I don't have a song that I really consider to mix or master. And most of the tutorial videos are about effects chorus/delay or mixing/mastering but for now I think all of them for vain. I do think that what matters are the synths cuz they are what create the song. all of the other things are just too little arrangements that most possibly won't even get noticed.

What do you suggest? Should I pay more attention to mixing and mastering?

And how am i gonna put the beat in my head to sound?

Thanks in advance.
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Creativity is the most important aspect of song WRITING. In the old days, the song writer usually didn't touch the mixing and mastering. Producers did that. But today, producers are stepping over into the artistic side of song writing, ...and it's starting to sound weird.

So when you're writing the song, I think being an artist, and thinking like an artist is the most important thing. But when you're mixing and mastering as a producer, you have to put your science hat on and think like a scientist.

So you skip the need to have studio people record, mix and master your music (saving a lot money), ...but now you need to have a powerful brain to switch between two completely different schools of thought.

The arrangements, notation, melodies, harmonies, chorus, rhyming etc. are all on the musical/artisitc (subjective) side.
The audio routing,mixing, frequency equalizing, compressing, limiting, etc. are all on the scientific (objective) side.

But anyway, ya...welcome. :) it's good to have you!! Stick around yo. Keep making and producing music.
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And to answer your question about making the perfect sound you hear in your head into reality is a struggle all artists face. It's that very question that makes us learn and improve.

Both artists and musicians wonder that same question. We, as artists, have this vision and image in our heads...but we want to share it so others can see or hear our vision.

I'm glad you asked that because it means you're a real artist. Welcome. :)
You may never answer that question. None of us can, because that vision continously gets more and more complex and intricate.
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i say just keep doin what u doin everything your sayin i have been through its part of the learning process just dont get fustrated to bad because things will get hard as u try n find your sound