Networking and gaining a fanbase on the internet


New member
I use Soundcloud and Bandcamp to upload, follow, and listen to other artists. Id like to know where on the web is good for building a solid network of producers and artists other than those sites i mentioned
Facebook Groups, hands down!

Goto facebook, in the search box type in the genre of music you're making, then join producer groups and JOIN THE CONVERSATION. Don't go there just to spam posts. You'll get deleted for doing so.

I gained some good connects from just going there once a day for a few months on and off (was limited to family life), not spending much time, but simply chopping it up and adding value here and there.

Oh, and add me by the way. Search "Garf Richards" ;)
Hi guys thanks for the response, ill check out facebook groups. I basically intersested in producing electronic music, any partically groups i should join? also with the other sites twitter and instergram, do i just follow producers who i know might have it? can i search for producers on there?
Hi guys thanks for the response, ill check out facebook groups. I basically intersested in producing electronic music, any partically groups i should join? also with the other sites twitter and instergram, do i just follow producers who i know might have it? can i search for producers on there?
Are you looking for people to buy your beats, or are you making full songs/instrumentals that you want people to buy and listen to?

If you're looking to sell beats, join communities with lots of singers and rappers (usually forums) and comment on their stuff, try to offer constructive criticism and build your name there. Eventually they will reach out to you, by clicking links in your sig. You could also do this by commenting on their music on social media/music sites. Be as helpful as possible.

If you're looking to find fans for your music, that is much more has become almost throwaway these days. I find my artists have the most success entering competitions, which promote their names. You could try Twitter/Facebook, but this usually turns into spamming and I find that isn't very successful.
Hello, thank you for the response! i am looking to network with producers and musicians, i have had a look on facebook via the groups and i find pretty much a lot of spam, which is useful i guess if you want to look for new music, but not many people are having conversations. How easy is twitter to get into? what forums are good for giving criticism and discussions?
Been looking for fb groups as well, most of them have a good few thousand followers but no one interacts on there, getting no feedback at all. or am i looking for the wrong ones? if so you guys know any decent ones?
The more the better, if you're on SoundCloud be SURE to join as many related groups you can that reflect your best genre(s). Each time you upload a song, add it to the corresponding groups to help get some extra ears. This site your on is a great avenue for fans, make use of your signature and make a SoundCloud player linked to your track or something like that.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Other forum sites.. There's plenty out there..