Maschine for Beginner Question


New member
Hi everyone!

I am super new to the site but saw some of the awesome forums and threads and thought I would join because I had a question of my own. Im not sure if this is the right thread for it or if the answer is already out there on the site but I thought I would make my own thread.

I recently purchased the Maschine MK2 and am suuuuper excited about it. I have a lot of the basics down from it by reading through parts of the getting started guide and also watching different tutorials on youtube. However, I still want to learn how to be able to utilize it better.

Because of this I started looking at more websites that could help with tutorials and different things like that in general. I came up with three of them that I had found and heard of. They are Maschine Masters, ADSR, and also Maschine Tutorials. However for all of these sites you have to pay to be a member which isn't necessarily the issue, I just want to make sure if I subscribe that it will be something useful for me.

From what I can see the two Maschine websites seem to have more Maschine specific things but ADSR also offers a wide variety of tutorials and has a whole sound section to it. I have played the piano pretty seriously now since I was 5 and have done classical concerts in different countries so the music theory portion of the videos are not that helpful to me because I can figure that out. Its more of the working with Maschine, building synths, creating sounds, and mixing that I am interested in.

Has anyone used these sites or had an success with any of them? Or are there other sites that I should take a look at too?

Thanks in advance for any help that anyone could offer!!
All those sites have tutorials available on YouTube. On some they might be using older software versions but the basics are there.
It's just for liveish percussion, or that's its best use for a beginner. What do you intend to use it for specifically? Any examples?