How do you name your beats ?


New member
I never named my beats but i will as its not interesting to name a beat "Sample Beat 2" or something like that.

A sampled beat i know you can use a part of the name of the original sample og something from the vocals in the sample.

But how do YOU name your beats ? What about original beats?
I name them how they feel and sound. Unfinished tracks get all kinds of random silly names in my project folders.
Most people here like to randomly name 2 or 3 famous rappers and then add "type beat".

I usually name my beats based off the sample used.
Some of my working titles are descriptive some are just a string of profanities and/or gibberish which often end up sounding like porno titles, cocktopuss 8, assburgers 4, peebuttnutter 3, etc.
I usually name something based off of the feel of the song. Something that will match the mood is usually best. Also, if there's a main instrument, such as a piano or a violin, I'll try to incorporate that into the name as well.
either name based on the sample, the feel of the track ,whatever. if that doesnt work i just look around and mash words/ phrases together. come up with some pretty messed up names some days, but it makes remembering beats easier
Name them off the sample used when sampling is involved, when made from scratch...I just go with the 1st thing that pops in my head that sounds right. Sometimes I name them after presets used.
put a date on them in the name and then either identify sources or mood/affect, e.g 2014-03-31-spooky
whatever comes to my first or what the beat and sounds remind me of... also the location im making the beat.. sometimes i make beats out of the crib
If I'm just making beats to make beats I name it random things that come to mind. If it's for a project then there's already a song name typically before the "beat" becomes a file.
I normally give the names accordingly to the mood of the track, or the subject I'm trying to approach with the song.

I'm working on a conceptual EP, with 4 songs, each one about a person, and each person linked to one of the 4 classical elements. So far, I have done 2 of them, named Alessa (Acqua), and Jasper (Ignis). Those names, also, are names of characters in the Silent Hill series, as both the storyline and music are great influences to me.
-how i feel
-how the song feels
-Play on the sample name
-name it after a hook i think would fit
- random sh_t
-lemon sandwich, titillating flutes,
It is purely random. It could be how I feel, how the beat (or part of the beat) makes me feel, Some times it has absolutely nothing to do with nothing. Just something I pulled out of thin air like "Shit Faced Face Down in the Mud". That made me laugh and screwed my thought process up, and I forgot where I was going with the beat.
I date the beats 'april214' 'april214b' don't know how you'd stay organized otherwise. I'll give the beat a real name when I post it or shop it.
It helps people searching through your catalogue if you name the beats after the emotion, feel, or image they put out. You could start by thinking of the top 5 adjectives that describe the particular beat. Also think about the instrumentation and samples used in the beat.
It's the unfinished products that get the ridiculous names. That helps me somewhat stay in tune with that beat.....most of the time. Once they're completed they may get a new name. I keep data sheets for all projects, and the data sheets get a sequential call number at the start of a project. My data sheets is a form that I created in microsoft excel (spread sheet) to list the sounds I used, what samples, etc. The out of nowhere is only the file name. Once complete what ever the beat name is going to be is added to the data sheet and the file name made to match. Now I realize that may sound a little bit much, but it really helps me out. I started doing this in '97 about six months after I bought the MPC2000. A bunch of disks with random labeling, samples I could know longer identify and so on. After my youngest daughter spilled her sippy cup on several disks and I had no freakin' idea of what was used I adopted this method. Of course the recreation wouldn't have turned out the same, atleast I would have had something to go on. The data sheets also have a description and comment section. I can flip thru the binder reading the decriptions & comments to find what I looking for then pull it up by call number from my external hard drive where finished projects are stored. Again, I know that all sounds a bit much but it works really well for me. My wife says it's some over thought libra shit, but I don't care. It probably is! lmao
I usually have some movies or the sopranos on the tv when I'm making beats, so i just name them from what ever is going on in the scenes haha