How do you get through the lull?


New member
It tends to spiral me into frustration and depression, how do you avoid this, if at all? Or perhaps harness it?:alcoholic:
When I get to that place I just walk away. I go do something else and listen to a lot of different music. While stepping away from creating when I "want" to create, is not fun, it's better then getting into that negative funk. Just my two cents.
Time, work on multiple projects and give each just a few hours a week! i know it looks tempting to add another layer and add to the "mess" you allready created but does that really solve the problem?

Instead try making a few songs at once. this forces you to organize your projects. (which for some reason is a big problem for beginning producers) it also helps you to see which sound fits which track better.

if you're working on 5 different songs chances are that you will hear the magic sound you want for track 1 while making track 4.

also I think creativity can be trained by making your own sounds, melodies, sequences and drum loops. therefor it can be nice to sit down and just start making 50 of the same sounds but don't turn it into a track. you can save those sounds and use them later but you allready have the experience to make a new sound quick if you need it!

also don't go mad about details in the creative beginning of the track writing process, then you're track is basically done for (no recovery)
Thanks a lot i'll give a few genres a try just for fun. anyone wanna point me in a few different directions? I've been making mostly hip hop style music.