How do I record a VST instrument into edison?


New member
So I want to record a vst into an edison (fl studio) so I can chop it up and sample it. I tried putting it on the same mixer channel and pressing record- this didn't work.

Its as if edison isn't picking up the signal
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First make sure EDISON is set up correctly.

In your EDISON, up in the recording options, make sure the light labeled "On Input" is selected. You also want to look over to the right, in the special controls section there's a set of buttons, check to see if the 6th button "Mute Input" is not crossed out. Finally go over to your mixer and check the effect slots. You might have it on mute, make sure it's not on mute. Also make sure that the EDISON is the last plugin in your effects slot because if anything like reverb or compression is before EDISON in the effect chain, it won't be mixed in the recording.

If none of these steps work, try using a different sound driver. I hope this helps.
you could also apply the vst to a mixer channel, assign edison on another then send the audio from the first to the second. same kinda way youd setup a vocoder by sending synth and vocal sample to a vocoder channel