How to deal with Soundcloud bots?


New member
I got botted on an EP a few days ago!
Schermata da 2017-02-22 10:40:51.png

I don't want these guys to bot me!

I've tried reporting but they use a lot of accounts... how can I stop this!
i guess just report them..I don't get the many, but they do come every once in a while. ha, it's hard to believe whats real anymore..
IMO soundcloud is dying a bit.

It's useful because if you want to show someone your music quickly and easily you can do it, but as a platform for a fanbase it's not great- everyone on it is a musician
So where do you recommend posting these days for maximal exposure to increase your fanbase and maximum potential to connect with like-minded artists? I still can't find a better platform to post my tunes haha.
youtube is growing for musicians but you need to spend way more time to make an actual video for it to get exposure there
I've had much much less success with youtube than soundcloud. That's just my experience though. Of course success is a very relative term in my case but in the future here's to hoping it won't be.
Soundcloud seems better because loads of people follow you hoping you'll follow them back. It's easily possibly to get a following of dozens if not hundreds just by following people that way, even if your music is bad.

Youtube is harder but more rewarding I think. You have a much better chance of finding music listeners (not producers) on there