How to create a network around yourself?



How to create a network around yourself?
Hi all,

So I hear this over and over again that creating an active community of like-minded people around yourself is essential if you want to grow as a producer.

I've been trying my best to find people on-line and around town but so far my efforts have been futile.

I've tried seeking relationships through collabs, but my communication with producers wanes after we finish our work together.

I've looked around my small town for people that do what I do in hopes of finding a friend. Unfortunately I haven't found anyone yet (there are some country singers and church band people but no electronic music producers).

I've thought of reaching out to producers that I aspire to BUT I never know what to say. I'm always intimidated by how far ahead of the game they are than me. I feel like I have nothing of value to offer to them.

So my question is for those of you that have found relationships/partnerships/friendships with other producers. How did it happen? And do you have any advice?

Would truly appreciate your insight!
hi there I'm looking to start out as a producer i have a good connection with people i just need a few helpful pointers in the right way
Promote yourself through social media, use multiple online forums to post your music (there are lots on reddit, for starters) go to clubs and see if they'll play your music.
I'm just starting to build up my network as well, and am in the same boat with wanting to be around like-minded people. Hit me up man!
even if dudes are better than you just vibe off that watch their work flow take notes and ask questions around here i find most of the producers i hang with are really cool and knowledgeable