Hello! Visuals art in the mix


New member
Hello to all the producers and artists - my name is Merv. Stumbled on this forum and love some of the cool beats and songs that people are collaborating on and showcasing - truly inspiring.

I've recently started on a journey to develop motion visuals to music - still early days so right now I'm just looking for different songs and audio ideas to inspire me. Right now I'm mainly doing lyric videos because my computer is being a granny about animation so at the moment I'd love to do songs with (interesting vocals).

So for anyone out there who has been thinking about posting lyric videos for their songs as a promo thing - hit me up. First song for each artist is free - we can talk about clams when we've developed at least one piece of work we're both cool with.

Looking forward to connecting with some great artist and I hope you'll get to see my work develop over time also.

Check out the portfolio I'm (slowly) building on Instagram /mw0rx