Bassline help ?


New member
Is it possible to make a bass line using simply one or two notes?

i have a track right now I started but can't come up with a bass line. I almost want bass line to just add a bit of rumble and low end, it glues everything together imo.

Anyone know if it's a good practice or have examples of songs where the bass line has very minimal notes and almost there just to add some bottom end.
minimal is good, anything is possible - just choose the right notes; i.e. use root tones of the overarching chord progression
Thanks BC
I always follow that rule however I found for this track or when using 808s it's kind of borin pg.
i want just a simple 808 heavy bass line.

right now every 2 bars I'll play a C note as my track is in Cm and it's ok but it doesn't seem like enough
so use a G as well or even the octave C

as with most stuff here audio helps to advise you more clearly