To all chronic procrastinators


- tldr at bottom -

You're stuck in a loop of wanting to get stuff done and putting it off and off until you feel terrible and you can't seem to break the cycle. I stumbled upon this solution to procrastination after a good solid 1-2 weeks of not writing a word and by solution I mean mind set change.

Youre focusing on the wrong thing, your focus shouldn't be on getting stuff done, confused? Consider the Stanford marshmallow experiment, the kids who could resist instant gratification achieved more in life, if I remember correctly this was a higher predictor of future success than several types of intelligence tests.

You may have found you used to love writing but its starting to feel like a chore. Why is that? You feel its important and in your soul you love it, but you're just not feeling gratified by it. It's like your passion is gone but you know that isn't the case.

You have to be dissatisfied to get stuff done, think about it for a minute (don't include habits in this). If you don't usually clean, when would you feel the desire to clean? When does political change happen? Wanting to do something is only part of the equation, the other half is being dissatisfied with the way things are now. You really love this new hairstyle but you love the one you have currently too, how motivated would you be to change your hair?

In one word: hungry, how many times have you heard this word? This is what it really means. How many story's of high achieving musicians and entrepreneurs have we heard of that come from poor backgrounds, without tv, basic cable, sufficient food, internet, etc etc.

TLDR: the only way its possible to be motivated to write (if you're procrastinating right now and havnt made writing into a solid automatic habit yet) is if you start before you find satisfaction in something else (that TV show you really enjoy, browsing the internet mindlessly, enjoying threads on FP, smoking that joint, etc.)

Stop focusing on what you have to do, focus on not eating that marshmallow before you write.

(This might seem like a backwards way of saying don't procrastinate but if you fully get what I'm saying here it's a shift in state of mind from i must get stuff done to a new state of avoiding easy satisfaction)
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Fall in love with the process

You could love the process more than anything and still procrastinate. Here's an anology: Imagine having 2 different types of food infront of you, first type is junk food the second is a a roast dinner you need to cook - the roast dinner is your favourite. You decide to go for the junk food which requires no time investment. you're now too full for the roast dinner because you ate the junk food first thinking you could have both.
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I'm just been fooling around with EVERYTHING in FL STUDIO 12, I still don't know what most things do, but I learned took a few baby steps