Flip This Battle #37


Battle Champion!
Flip This Battle #37


Entering the battle

  1. You may enter only one beat.
  2. Entry beat must mainly consist of the sample material provided. Other than having a provided sample act the main part, there are no restrictions so do what you feel like doing.
  3. Maximum length of the beat is 1:30 (1 min 30 sec).
  4. Entering the battle happens by posting a Soundcloud link or player in this thread. So no Soundclick, Youtube, DivShare etc. Soundcloud only!
  5. Entry will be closed on Monday April 18 7pm my time Current Local Time in Houston, Texas, USA


  1. Voting will happen in a new thread.
  2. Only battle participants can vote.
  3. And all battle participants MUST vote. Not voting results in disqualification. Again, there will be a time limit of a week or so to cast your vote.
We are not using the built in poll system. Instead, every battle participant will pick their top 3. First will get three points, second gets two points and third one point. All votes must go to other participants, so no self-voting. Points will be calculated in the end.


Last sample on next post.
On a side note, when Bandcoach got busy, I asked Calimoose for, and received, limited admin permissions. Mainly I wanted to keep the battles and voting threads sticky to keep getting participation. I did not ask for, and did not get, permission to alter any posts. So I am not able to change the battle/voting dates. These battles have always been user run. With that in mind, I would suggest that people be prepared to win and for what comes with it. Battles should be 2 weeks, Sunday to Sunday. Voting 1 week, Sunday to Sunday. Put an end time Sun evening your time (wherever you're from) so you can start the voting thread that night. Let's all keep this thing moving smoothly together. Any questions, feel free to pm me or Calimoose.

mastered with eMastered, without mix...wanted to add something more to it but i donw have time, so here it is :)
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