kim kardashian is dating a billionaire(LOL)

I usually don't take this MediaTakeOut, or any celeb gossip blog/website things for facts, but if this is true then damn man. She tried to go on a date with Jeremy Lin (rising New York Knicks player) apparently too, before this.
Most of the time these type of situations are caused from forced arranged marriages.

Oh, he was a regular black dude that "switched over" to Islam. He had a hard time with most of it... like when he couldn't eat or whatever. He couldn't do all of it because he wasn't actually raised that way, it's like he was "trying" to say he was Muslim. He did the most he could.

When she talked about it she said stuff like "He reads these books and then expects us to do what they say". Sort of like he was winging it and didn't really know what he was doing. I think I saw him at Burger King during Ramadan...

Kind of messed up he was creeping on ol girl when it seemed like her entire life was dedicated to making him happy, lol. He didn't have many friends and never talked much. Probably because he had a lot to hide. They never went anywhere either. My wife would try to get them to go on trips and she wanted to go but he never did.

I used to always hate getting stuck with the boring azz dudes because my wife was friends with their wife. I had to tell her to stop planning stuff with every couple she meets, lol. I used always be stuck with the dudes that were like "I don't drink...", "I don't eat meat..." etc.
they give a Fukc about love, they either want to bring a family closer together or extend their friendship to family (with the other parents)

I am not sure but I think there are also genetic problems introduced by marrying within extended family .