Respecting mainstream hip hop artist?

I feel like purses n shoes are not a good comparison as they are both functional and a fashion accessory and furthermore I don't see how women's clothing is any different than men's clothing in terms of the topic of capitalism we're dealing with. But your other point it's an example of what I said, therefore it's valuable to the discussion at hand.

The majority of people who still purchase music are Women.

Ask a Woman (most, but not all) why she dresses the way she does - she will tell you it's not to ATTRACT MEN, but to IMPRESS OTHER WOMEN.

Ask a Woman (most, but not all) why she likes a certain man and it's likely because OTHER WOMEN LIKE THAT MAN.

Ask a Woman (most, but not all) why she buys only certain purses and shoes and it's because OTHER WOMEN BUY THOSE PURSES OR SHOES.

Now, why do you think Women (most, but not all) listen to rap on the radio? Is it because they really enjoy being called hoes and b*tches and not loyal and replaceable?

It's all psychology and marketing is TELLING you what YOU like if you want to be "in" and "cool". Good thing my girlfriend likes all types of music especially underground hip hop.
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How many women have you interviewed as part of your study?

Some of what you say may apply to a small percentage of teenage girls who are high on the bitchy spectrum but not women in general.

"Now, why do you think Women (most, but not all) listen to rap on the radio? Is it because they really enjoy being called hoes and b*tches and not loyal and replaceable?"

It's because the good girls don't take it personally. And those that are hoes don't mind.
Classical, rock,jazz, hiphop.They are different. People are different. Let's just forget about justin beiber's baby song, cuz he definitely came a long way from that :) nikki can rap if she wants but she must not be into it anymore.
How many women have you interviewed as part of your study?

Some of what you say may apply to a small percentage of teenage girls who are high on the bitchy spectrum but not women in general.

"Now, why do you think Women (most, but not all) listen to rap on the radio? Is it because they really enjoy being called hoes and b*tches and not loyal and replaceable?"

It's because the good girls don't take it personally. And those that are hoes don't mind.

Let's do a fun experiment.

Go ask 10 women the questions I asked you and report back with their honest answers - not ones you make up for them.

...and in terms of the "good girls who don't take it personally" - I work in corporate America around successful independent women and also am a part of Baltimore's downtown music and artist scenes where we have some of the most creative and intelligent women (MICA is one of the top art schools in America). They're offended.
great post... to be real most people simply have no idea the amount of work talent and also luck that it takes to end up in the mainstream circle... easier to begrudge the system than give props where due. Most people on the outskirts enjoy their personal lives and are just not willing to work that hard and sacrifice that much to live that way.
These days it's not about focusing on the mainstream anymore, because there's soo much music to listen to nowadays.. Back then, there was a time when we all at one point had valid reasons to shame the artists because they were a voice of the people and the message that we needed to hear was distorted and out of focus. But now there's no need to have an opinion if you're creating your lane of music to push to the people, because you're only focused on what energy you put out and that's what it's about. Being a trendsetter and setting trends to create something new to bring to the world.