FP Old Head Thread...

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its not just this forum thats dead social media took over everyone is on ig, fb, twitter, soundcloud etc. etc. ... plus tbh the music now just for the most part is awful well in hip hop anyways mostly. Still a gem here or there but not close to like before.
Forums aren't hot anymore really. Cat's don't sit down and write on computers. Send me stuff in a tweet or a comment. You want to see some action? Get the Facebook page jumping or make post available to be commented on from Facebook Sorta like how ESPN is.
Salute the rest of the old heads!
Follow @VaraydeinNation
Peep the latest drops!

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Forums aren't hot anymore really. Cat's don't sit down and write on computers. Send me stuff in a tweet or a comment. You want to see some action? Get the Facebook page jumping or make post available to be commented on from Facebook Sorta like how ESPN is.

But they do. Twitter etc are more 121 as opposed to open discussions.