Stolen Beats - Not Happy.

So a little while ago I found out that one of my original instrumentals posted on my Youtube channel had been ripped and used in a song by Mexican artist 'Mc Aese' which now has collectively over 10 million views on Youtube. After contacting the label he is under I was able to remove the copyright that had been put onto my original instrumental video which had stopped it being monetized, but that's it. Once I had that sorted they just never replied to my emails questioning why my instrumental had been stolen in the first place.
Now I'm kinda stuck. Them being based in Mexico and me here in New Zealand it isn't quite as easy as just going into the labels HQ and hitting them up.. and if they don't reply to my emails.. there's not much I can do there either.
So I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice or tips or anything really.. The fact that this (rather famous) 'Mc Aese' guy has taken my instrumental and rounded up so many views and so much attention from a song he made with my instrumental has me in knots. All the love for him and the song and nobody knows that half of the work was done by me. As a producer, exposure is one of the biggest things for me and it just feels like a huge opportunity gone. I'm posting links below to all of the videos I've talked about above so you can all see for yourselves.
Please post some advice/tips or maybe similar experiences you may have had..

Mc Aese Official Channel:
My Original Instrumental Video:
Most Viewed Video Using My Instrumental:
Another High-Viewed Video Using My Instrumental:
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stick their youtube channel with the same copyright restriction - the fact that they recognised yours speaks volumes as to your rights in this matter
The thing is that both those videos I put the links too aren't from the official Youtube channel.. They'e just people sharing the music. Does putting these copyright restrictions on a video mean that it is removed completely or just de-monetized? Because when it happened to me the video stayed up and it just had the monetizing revoked.
Also, it's not so much the fact that the videos are on Youtube, it's the fact that my instrumental got used.. and by removing the videos I feel like the situation would just go under the bridge being as I'd no longer have physical proof of how 'big' the stealing of my instrumental is.. 10 million views in essence is a 'viral video'.
de-monetising the beat for the thieves has gotta hurt

- you could also petition youtube/google for compensation based on then theft of your property from the start.....

the acquiescence by the thieves is ample proof that they stole your property and your right to exploit it

You could make dmca claims for every online place they have it if you aren't up to trying to sue them. DMCA claims in Youtube and Soundcloud would result in the videos being taken down. You can also do that with Google, so that the material never ends up in search results if there are websites you can't get in touch with for some reason.

On a sidenote, I wonder if you could actually monetize this situation by adding a content id to the songs by uploading the instrumental to CDBaby as a single as they have a deal with Youtube.. What you need to know about monetizing your music on YouTube DIY Musician Blog
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this is so sad. i wouldn't blame the artist though because it probably wasn't him to begin with. it could've been anyone from that camp or outside it. but this is one of the reasons why i tell people don't have your music out without you legally owning it on a site like youtube or soundcloud. last year a label downloaded my record for free on soundcloud, something i no longer ket happen, and started selling it on all major stores online. they still gave me my credit for it but it completely changed how i go about displaying music on the web. working for free and putting out records for free without nothing in return that will benefit you is for suckers. do what bandcoach says.