Capitalizing on FaceBook


New member
Hey FP,
I recently put together a facebook page for myself as an artist. Just want to see what everyone else is doing as far as FaceBook is concerned. I managed to make some custom tabs with a playlist of my stuff. Check it out.
It's good that you leverage every possible outlet to get your brand out and noticed. And hey, it's free, right? Google+ just opened up their doors as well, so check them out too. And even though Myspace is on it's last leg, hopefully the new owners will save it from dying completely.
Thanks guys I made it as easy to navigate as possible, and I wanted to make sure I could be found if I was looked for. The only thing I don't like are the Facebook pages are just big pictures, and cannot be indexed by the search engines. Seems like Facebook is getting more musician-friendly which will definitely be a plus as long as they can maintain it instead of letting it get out of hand like Myspace.