Can Music producers sign up for ASCAP


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When I go up there they have to option composer or writer I need clarity and I see this is cheaper to have than bmi and from what I have heard that they do the same thing, however looking for assistance
BMI is free and ASCAP i believe you have to pay 35$ for each submission. correct me if im wrong on that... but go to BMI and register as a songwriter/composer . or you can register with ASCAP and do the same thing but you will have to pay.
from my understanding bmi cost way more than ascap and my question is really can music producers use ascap and how?
Why Join ASCAP? Joining ASCAP is a critical step in your career in music. By joining ASCAP you can begin to register your songs, collect performance royalties and take advantage of many exclusive career benefits. As the only member-owned performing rights organization in the U.S., ASCAP is free from conflicting interests. Everything that ASCAP does, from collecting and distributing royalties to protecting and strengthening copyright to developing and supporting your career, is done to serve you throughout your life in music.

There is a one time, nominal processing fee of $35 to apply for ASCAP membership, but there are no annual dues. You can join as a writer or a publisher or both - the processing fee is $35 for each application. This fee is non-refundable. Click one of the buttons below to start filling out the online application. We look forward to welcoming you to the ASCAP family.

Before you begin, please have the following information in hand:

•Your Social Security Number
•Information about a work you wrote or co-wrote (e.g. title, name of the performer or artist, date it was released or performed)

•Choices for your publishing company name
•Information about your company (Taxpayer Identification Number, when and where it was established, stakeholders; or Social Security Number)
•Information about a work you published (e.g. title, name of the performer or artist, date it was released or performed)

BMI INC.= Broadcast Music, Inc.,

Join BMI
Join the more than 500,000 top songwriters, composers and music publishers who have chosen BMI to ensure they get paid when their music gets played.

Please note...
You will be signing a 2-year contract, and you may only have a contract with one performing right organization (PRO) at a time.

they both do the same thing ...they may pay out a little different

remember with BMI it's a two contract so can switch up for two years...