Advice on contacting major artists


New member
Whattup FP,

So, I've had the luck of making two pretty solid connects though mutual friends. I have to successful producers expecting an email from me, but I'm a bit unsure of how to approach them.

As far as what I hope to get I understand fully, but I am unclear on how to propose anything to them.

For instance, am I to format the email:
Mr. _________,



See what I mean?

This dumbass kid I know got a call directly from Drake last year and said "what up Aubrey?"

Safe to say, they haven't been in contact.

However, these are older artists; their friends call them by their last name, not their stage name, and yet I don't want to approach them like I am overstepping my boundaries.

I was told that I have a chance to shadow or intern for either or both of these guys, and I don't want to make the wrong first impression.

Any advice?
just make it professional dear sir thankyou for the opportunity to open a line of communicaton etc...etc.. etc...
don't kiss up alot but note that you like their music etc...etc... etc...
give a little info about yourself as in GOALS,YOUR PERSONALITY,BACKGROUND but keep it brief
Treat it like you would treat an email/phone/in-person conversation that you would have for a job interview. You want it to be formal, but not serious to the point of sternness. Be polite, use proper grammar, but still be personable. Show confidence rather than timidness, but definitely try to not come across as arrogant. And of course, say your "thank you's". Hope that helps.
Saying "What up, Aubrey" isn't the reason Drake hasn't been back in contact with your friend. That's not even logical. Why would someone not call you back because you reference them by any name they go by? There's artists I meet who immediately tell me to call them by their govt, others I've known for years who answer me when I call them by their govt who I still usually call by their nickname or even a shortened version of their nicknames. No one is so hollywood they care about that type of petty stuff except guys who are too much of an azzhole to hit you back regardless of what you call them.
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Be professional! Its still a business and if you're looking to intern you need to be professional. Don't act comfortable until you actually are and even then its still like any other job. Treat your bosses with respect unless they say otherwise.