Wanting producers for future albums/mixtapes


New member
That title kinda seems incredibly generic and honestly makes me wanna scream "NO. SHIT." just reading it BUT thats kinda where my group is right now on production styles for future projects. We really wanna be as experimental as possible and do a bunch of crazy shit but we're not sure what direction we want to go instrumentally with our 4th album or with any future solo projects for the 3 members of our group. Basically we just want to sit around and listen to a bunch of beats until we find a sound we all wanna go for. Whether that means mixing up a bunch of different instrumentals or doing an entire album collab with 1 producer. Just show us some crazy shit cause we wanna hear it. I cant post links cause I'm a newb but all you gotta do is google "waffle flames" in gmail and our bandcamp should be the first thing that comes up. Its something of a unique name.
Hey I'm always looking for new people to work with. All of the mp3's on my website are free with .wavs available. I'm also available to just do the mixing if you already have a beat in mind. ThreadyBeats
Heres a super hot shit beat, you gotta give 10 seconds to listen to and you'll get hooked...put me on that mixtape!

if you like the beat is FREE!!! on the description there is a link to download that mofo for free!

hit me back for the collaborations jsiqbeats@gmail.com

stay safe