Looking for a producer.


New member
I'm really looking for a producer who can make custom beats/sample and can incorporate clips of TV shows and infuse it with the beat. If you can do this please hit me up. I'm willing to negotiate a price with you and hope we can do some great things. Thank you.
Hey, let's talk. I've done this with a few artists before and I'll shoot the beat back and forth with you to make it hit hard with your lyrics. If you want a sample of my work before you contact me, go on YouTube and look up "Recovery" by Yung Loon. I got a Grammy nomination for that beat or rocbattle.com/glennbeats for a medium sized catalog. My email is glenndieselbeats@gmail.com
I'm the man you're looking for

Hello, I really interested to work with you. Previously worked with composing OST to games and radio themes etc. Check out my CV (My website on my signature) and Soundcloud. Check out my 30 sec for 5$- offer on my signature. Contact me eluukkanen(at)wippies(.)fi

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