What is The Main Reason for a Song To Reach Extreme Popularity Status? (#1)


New member
This is a difficult question to completely answer because of the labyrinth - like music industry. there's complex contracts between songwriters, singers, producers, engineers exclusive contracts, non-exclusive contracts, royalties, distribution deals, etc. And there are multiple things to push a record to stardom, yet the question remains;

What is more important for a song to reach extreme popularity status (#1)?

1. Promotion,

2. distribution


3. The actual Music / it's total value.

Can someone put into order of the most important factor down to the least important please? :)
All of the above which require money which doesn't always equal return on investment and #5 Timing
Raising a brand is key. Having put out lots of music previously makes it easier. Having a large fanbase already makes it easier.

Catchy Controversial Clever