What to do with a hit song (single track)?


Punchline God
Its important to read all of this to know where I am coming from

Well I am 110% confident that this song I came up with will get my name known at least locally bar minimum, and I am even confident enough to say that out of any song I ever created this track blows them all away and the only reason I am even posting on this thread is because this track is so damn good that I am not even doubting it, its to the point where I "Know" I can make money off this song.

So my question is, what should someone do if they have a single track they think they can get rich/famous off of. Now I know this is coming off as sounding like I "know" this track will get me the fame and money, but I am that confident in the track that I pretty much KNOW this is the track that I can get big off of.

I need to not screw up with this track, so bad that I don't even want anyone to hear it or get the idea of even trying to copy it.

I have a bunch of songs, many of them I sound different on, some of them were recorded poorly, some of them sound pretty good, some I would put on a mixtape if I was making one, others I would throw in the trash.

However out of any song I ever created/wrote, this song is "It". I have the gut feeling and I'm so confident in it that even if 1,000 people told me the song was horrible I would still not believe them.


I have yet to record the song to make it sound professional, however what I did do before I went to bed was record my chorus/verses in a DAW using a built in laptop mic ONLY so when I wake up I can remember how the flows went and I am using it to memorize the track for when I actually record the song. (I have better equipment, was just using the built in laptop mic so I can remember how the track goes perfectly).

I have even showed a few people the track by rapping it and I even asked some other rappers in town what they thought of the song and every single one told me they song is the hardest song in town they herd from any local artist.


So assuming I have a secret hit song on my hands, what should I do.

I don't have tons of money, although I can always save money up I guess.

Should I send the track to someone? Get the track into someones hands?
or promote a song that nobody herd yet? But I don't get how I would promote it with not much money.

The equivalent of this song is like when Chief Keef came out with the song "Love Sosa" and became big off of it.

I feel that the track I made is sort of like that, once people hear it they will play this shit non-stop.

I am also not a person to hype my own song up, I am not a person to call a track I made good if its not. I know what my bad songs are and I know what my good songs are, I know which songs were recorded poorly and I know what songs were recorded properly. I can give myself feedback and be honest with myself.

And honestly right now I think I have the song, if this song can't get me my recognition then I might as well just quit rapping because there is no hope! ;)

Seriously, I'm clueless when it comes to getting your songs out there.

So pretending YOU had a hit song on your hands that could get you RICH what would you do, and you have to hypothetically assume this track will get you rich if only you get the right person to listen to it.

Thats what I need is to get the track in the right hands, but I also don't want nobody stealing my song so I might have to go read into that copy right crap.
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If I was that confident, for starters I might want to copyright it. Then try and network with DJs at some radio stations that play my type of music and of course YouTube! EVERYONE is on there and it just increases your chances of being heard.
Protect the song and put it out. If it's a hit, it will catch on and go viral like everything else that viral worthy/attention grabbing.