The Very Simple Secret to Staying Consistent


I'm often asked if I have any tips or tricks for staying consistent on the road to acquiring skill and Success. I've been thinking about it for a while and I've wanted to write a long intellectual post on the topic, but the truth is I cant write a long post about it. Staying consistent is incredibly simple. We don't need to complicate the matter. We all have days when we don't want to practice — this feeling isn't unique to anyone.
A large part of the problem is unrealistic expectation. We are organic animate beings. We aren't computers. Emotions and external factors get in the way and we can't always follow a routine. It is true that we can develop discipline. I don't miss a day of intense study, but I haven't always been this way. Discipline takes time to develop, It won't happen over night and you won't be a disciplined monk next month.
When you're starting out you may not be able to study for one hour a day consistently. Not because you physically can't, but because you lack discipline. There's nothing wrong with this, every journey has a first step.
My advice is simple:

  • Do something
  • Do a little
  • Do
What matters is knowing more or being better today than you were yesterday. Next time you feel the urge to skip a day of practice, remember, you can do a little and it won't be cheating. Practicing consistently isn't difficult. What's difficult is practicing something every day that you don't really want to, and in that case you probably shouldn't be practicing.Try and do a little at a time and increase what your doing. This method works for me all the time.
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Way to be oh so funny and still you did not spell it correctly when you edited the post (it is "success" not "sucsess" - the letter "c" is too far away from "s" for this to be a typing error) - fixed it for you when removing your ridiculous color tags - no point in applying either black or white or any grey to your posts and so many other colours as well as they are unreadable in the grey/white theme that some members use - even bold primary colours like red or yellow or blue or green or cyan or fuchsia (magenta) (RGB or CYMK colour space primaries) are tricky on the eyes in the grey white theme but perfectly legible in the black theme

As for your op ed: most of it reads like "you didn't learn self-discipline in school but you are going to have to knuckle under now if you want to be a success"; no argument here

- as a semi-retired teacher this is the most often spoken of complaint amongst teachers
- students who do not want to do the work to get the grades;

This comes back to the poorly considered movement that every one is a winner regardless of what they achieve: go through a system that emphasises this over 13 years of your life (the average infants, middle and high school lifespan) in and out of school and you have people coming out (graduating) expecting everything to be given to you without ever having to work for it....

the saying that "teachers teach and students learn" is missing the important quality of applied work:

teachers teach/demonstrate a skill or process or fact

students practice the skill or process or fact (the last is usually done by rote repetition)
teachers assess the practice efforts of the student and corrects errors
student demonstrates learning and mastery of the skill or process or fact

the central portion is essentially the discipline required to master any skill/process/subject matter
Not throwing any shade, but I did not understand the first couple of words your wrote. I can tell your not even from American. Again I said it was a MISTAKE. Google that word Mr.Band Coach and you will find out what it means. As far as the ridiculous color tags is considerd, that why your there to fix it Smh. I'am giving you some work to actually do. Oh ya by the way thanks for reading my post. Just my thoughts and opinion. :topicclosed:
Sorry for the slit error, We all make mistakes. I'm surprised you can even read. Good for you :-)
(my emphasis added to the word)

I think that you meant to write slight but it reads as slit which is an error in itself - so the comment was about your attempted humour if that was your intent - if not then of course my comments make no sense

as for fixing colour tags, it is not my job to remove your color tags - you are close to a ban for continually ignoring advice to not do it, mainly because you are wasting my time by deliberately doing it