Upload Site

zshare, hulkshare, limelinx

great info but my business associate hook me up with a better secure site I have to find where I put that information
so much information I had to update my organization of all the information that comes my way
since I moved from using my wife's laptop to my own all the time.
I'll post the site soon though
The Walking On Water Media/Ent. Business Antonio
Research and Information Gathering Expert
great info but my business associate hook me up with a better secure site I have to find where I put that information
so much information I had to update my organization of all the information that comes my way
since I moved from using my wife's laptop to my own all the time.
I'll post the site soon though
The Walking On Water Media/Ent. Business Antonio
Research and Information Gathering Expert

Please do share, but I use an app and it manages my uploads pretty well, especially if you have a mac. It's called droplr & cloud and I highly recommend them both. However they have a limit to how much you can upload to them on the FREE version and I uploaded quite a bit of the music I sell and haven't reached that limit yet. The payed version let's you upload larger files and limitlessly, obviously but the free version works for me just fine.

I also suggest dropsend. It delivers HUGE files for a temporary amount of time but if you pay for their service it makes the time unlimited.
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Please do share, but I use an app and it manages my uploads pretty well, especially if you have a mac. It's called droplr & cloud and I highly recommend them both. However they have a limit to how much you can upload to them on the FREE version and I uploaded quite a bit of the music I sell and haven't reached that limit yet. The payed version let's you upload larger files and limitlessly, obviously but the free version works for me just fine.

I also suggest dropsend. It delivers HUGE files for a temporary amount of time but if you pay for their service it makes the time unlimited.

I think it's called dropbox
https://www.dropbox.com/ watch the video on the site
it's free
and it's for mac,pc, and linux
I'm all about the information FP
The Walking On Water Media/Ent. Business Coach Antonio
Research and Information Gathering Expert