A question about presenting my portfolio


New member
Hello to everyone,

I am planning to setup a website, social media pages etc. with a bio, contact and showcasing my compositions to start getting work. Although I am through with a lot of the work, I really wanted advice on showcasing my compositions.

I was going through some websites of composers and sound designers and saw everything from composers putting up their entire finished projects to some of them putting up a medley made up of their select compositions or even entire tracks which have not been published in anyway yet. And instead of just naming those tracks, some of the composers even present them as an example of a film track, game track etc.

So was a bit confused how should I present my work, since I also have a lot of such tracks which can go up to show my skills as a composer and a few finished projects.

What is the best way to present your compositions when starting off?

Would be grateful for any advice.​

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