Need advice regarding organising Live Show


Hey guys! So here's the thing. I wish to organise a live gig, and I'd love if it you guys would pour in your experiences and suggestions.

A bit about what exactly I have in mind:

Basically I am at the head of a group of about 30 semi-professional Musicians, who come from all the variety of genres. We are all students of the same University, and hence we have a 'group' that we call the 'Music Society', which is recognised by the University, and entitles us and our activities to be acknowledged by the University. What I have in mind is basically to organise a gig, wherein we get the sponsors, we book the venue, take charge of the marketing etc. So basically everything is our own in-house Production. I have a lot of talented musicians with a ton of resources who can help pull of this thing, which even eliminates my need for hiring an outside hand, say for live mixing, I already have a Bassist who also produces EDM from his studio, and even I have been producing rock/.metal for over a year and a half, and have mixed a quite a few shows in the past to know how to work in a live scenario. Also I have been in a Prog/Death metal band for about 2 years so its safe to say I'm not a complete newbie to a live stage.

What the hurdles are going to be are with say getting sponsors (in which I know no one on an internet forum like this can help). But other than that, if anyone has any prior experience of organising, or having worked backstage at a gig, could you pitch in with some suggestions/ideas/pre-requisite things I need to ensure or even some pitfalls I must be wary of?

Again, my aim isn't really to earn tons of money, but to get exposure, to play at a good platform where people can come out and watch us, and enjoy our music.

I live in Delhi, India. So although things on ground level may differ from my European or American counterparts, but its essence is more or less the same.

Also, as a side-thought, to make the gig a little more exciting, I was thinking of even calling a band or two to perform at our event. But I do not wish it to turn into some kind of a festival where 5 acts play one after the other or something. It's going to be a local city-level thing. Since I have only been so far a performer and not much of an organiser, this is the first time I will be wearing the organiser hat, and it is going to be a challenge for me to pull this thing off. Any help is appreciated. :)