Link Exchanging

Link exchanging is a great way to help boost up your PR rankings. So we thought of a way to exchange link quickly and effectively. Basically its an eye for an eye , you put a link on your site directing back to us and we do the same , its a win - win situation. So if interested you go here to check out the details Ambitious Beats Link Exchange | Ambitious Beats or
just email us at subject line Link Exchange

Let's network and get to this money !!!!
Link exchange isn't as powerful as it use to be..... No one wants a bunch of PR0-2 sites pointing back to them nor do they want a whore of a PR 5 site pointing back to them

Good for views bad for google (depending on the quality of the PRs and their outbound links)

I'm not knocking this idea im just saying be very selective on you decide to point your site to
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Im with you but at least some links are better then none , I mean i already have a few PR7 , 8 , and 9's sites Linking back in so it couldn't hurt to help out other cats on their grind as well . And we both know there are way more ways to get your rankings up !! Just in my opinion every little link counts ...