I want to become a pro DJ!

If that's what you really, really wanna do you might need to find any info you can about live performance features and such.
Any tips on becoming a professional DJ?

Work hard, be professional (show up on time and don't get smashed while you are working) and be available for whatever gigs pop up.
The above sentence is probably the best advice you could get. Seriously.

Back in the day I used to work in the nightlife and during this time I met & worked with quite a few different DJ's.

The common back story for the 'up & coming' DJ's was this:

-They started off small (just like producers - in their bedrooms)
-were dedicated to their craft
-worked hard at mastering their skills
-were often present at most 'relevant' industry functions
-worked at 'other' jobs too (eg: day job)

Whenever an opportunity comes up, take it. No matter how lackluster. (eg: spinning for local parties, dive bars, weddings, etc) Slowly but surely you'll be moving up in demand and building a buzz. Believe me when I say the pay can & will range from nothing (yes, nothing - no pay) and slide up to $$$$ based on the event and your demand.

The good thing is that if you are good, consistent and people start knowing you - gigs will find you.

Good Luck
flyers,audio demo and get out there and grind
I DJ'ed for about 20 events for church functions and weddings and when I was younger some house parties
get those flyers at college campuses