How do I physically give an artist beats?


Music Producer
Hi, I'm attending a concert next week and I will be meeting with the artist after. I was wondering what are some of the best ways to give them a physical copy of my beats. Any help is appreciated Thanks.
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In this type of scenario timing is everything.

Have material on you (cd/flash drive) ::duh:: and don't come off too hungry or like you have an agenda but be ready for the opportunity should it present itself.

Good Luck.
physical copy? that should be your second line of defense. what you should do is have your music ready online through a web host where your sounds are a click away. anyone that comes to me with a CD gets the ugly face lol. but who knows maybe this guy is old school. best to have a CD and a link. give him the option of what he wants. good luck.
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I hope this still help since the concert probably passed by now but you can, Bluetooth it through phones, that's what I usually do when I bump into a rapper locally, and plus always have your best stuff with you. So you can make a sale right off the back.. (let them hear first, then make them pay.) I had let someone get a beat that i put my blood sweat and tears to, and never got a response. ;) Rookie mistake.
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I have thumb drives with my logo and website link on them :)
Last edited by bandcoach; 3 Weeks Ago at 02:24 PM. Reason: fixed title by changing psychically to physically hard to send them beats via thoughts alone
