Feedback from experienced Rapper or Business Dude


If this is in the wrong subforum, please say so, I thought it should be here, because of the business point of view.

So I'm 15 years at the moment. Been doing music production for some time now. I'm thinking about going out there and get my music out there (to rappers, or directly to listener as instrumentals). How would an experienced rapper or business dude look at this, what do I need to change, or leave to make it able to be used by artists, as an actual hip hop instrumental, something that can be rapped over. Ready for the industry!

Link for beat: (Don't mind the guitar solo, just really simple pentatonic improvisation, made some mistakes.)

da shiet.mp3 - Speedy Share - upload your files here

Please give me your opinions!

offline networking is never bad and the fact that you're in high school gives you base of operations that you come in contact with everyday
find the other young men and women who are in the music scene at your school, rather it be the school band members(never hurts to know ppl who actually play instruments), find those who rap/sing

if there's not much of a music scene at your school create one
at 15 you can't go to music clubs and such so you're limited to your school,friends and family members networking for you
let everyone know you looking to network with rappers/other producers/musicians
word of mouth and directly face to face networking is your best bet right now
you could do some sounclick/isellbetternow/myflashstore/ route as well but you'll need start-up capital to take full advantage of those sites/company services
learn everything about business in general and music theory/business,take any and every class your high school has on business and music make it your passion and excel at it
make a plan for after highschool which should be higher education that deals with business and music

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