Artist holding Exclusive License or non-exclusive? Which is right...



Alright if you are a producer to an artist as a whole like 40 is with Drake does that artist have any rights are far as the production is concerned?

I guess my main question is, would it be wrongful for the producer to sell exclusively or non-exclusively the tracks the artist used for previous recordings or future ones to Different artists?

No money has been involved between producer & artist.

If I were 40 and I made marvins room and drake is my artist....Can I sell that beat to jeezy? Of course these are big names, take their fame out of it and make them reg. indie cats.
Depends on the contract, but how far do you think you'll get in the industry once it becomes known that you are operating like that?

Sounds like the perfect way to get blacklisted and loose the one artist that was willing to work with you.
When I was working with artist i made it very clear that they own their vocals i own my tracks
There is no contract involved. Of course you wouldnt "operate on a higher level" because for one the money from "non-exclusive licences" is nothing in comparison to what I would be getting.

Blacklisted.....Im actually talking on a smaller indie level.

---------- Post added at 12:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------

When I was working with artist i made it very clear that they own their vocals i own my tracks

Thank you. So You have your own artist and you both create a product as a whole. then you still shop those beats to other clients? Selling non-exclusive licences/exclusive licenses?

And BOTH of you own a piece of the master file, correct?