Would be more appealing to the eye with a better "3" and possibly change the position of the 3 to the end of the phrase or below the phrase "scary site" so it gives more clarity to the title everything else is fine. just my opinion
Would be more appealing to the eye with a better "3" and possibly change the position of the 3 to the end of the phrase or below the phrase "scary site" so it gives more clarity to the title everything else is fine. just my opinion

aye thanks for the feedback, I think I shoulda lowered the 3 a bit as well
Thanks dawg! Tryna get him to acknowledge it lol

Tweet it tweet it tweet it bro, if you want them to use it I think it's possible... it could be used as an alt cover or something if there's a cover set in stone already, just tweet it at fredo, tweet it to dj victoriouz or whoever is hosting scary site 3.. tweet at savage squad records if they got a twitter account set up for that