FL studio rendering issue, weird noise when rendered waws/mp3s (from hihats (?))


New member
Hi, so i have recently noticed how every track i render out (regardless of the format) always get a weird crackle/noise from hihat rolls. At first i figured that i needed to cut the highest frequencies to get rid of extra noise but that dosnt seem to do the trick. I have tried to record in edison and export that way but that dosnt help either. I cant here the sound/glitch in FL, only in rendered mateial mp3 or wav. Any ideas of why this might be? it really makes my tracks sound like shit. I have tried a rather large amount of hihats but the result is always the same.

Thanks in advance!

surely that would be the proper angle of attack regarding this but going through image lines forum and all the problemshooting "guides" and what not havent helped me so far so i figured that i might aswell try here!
I rarely use plugins and and on this particular project i havent used any so i dont think that they are the cause of this!

thanks anyways mate :)