newbie ableton live question

Find free ones on the net or buy them somewhere. Its easier to have a bigger variety if you find them on the net, and u can also get sound clips so you have an idea of what you are getting.

If you mean for them to show up...

I made this for someone on another site.

The one shot .wav and aif files you just make a folder and put all of them inside the folder but make sure they're in their own folder by name within that other one you just made to stay organized. Then in ableton you just go to your browse tab and click the 2 or 3 and browse for the folder. Once you find it right click on it and set it to root so you can have a shortcut and get to it easier.


For vst's there's no right one way to do it but from my experience its better to make a folder in a safe place. Inside of the folder make one for your instrument plugins, and your vst plugins to prevent errors in the long run. Some ppl just hit next, next, next not reading the installer at all and wonder why they get errors or cant find librarys etc.

Now what ever vst you have make a folder within the previous folder and name it by the vendor and then just put the name of the vst inside. This can be done in the installer of the vst or in the explorer, or what ever mac uses to navigate files lol.

Open the Ableton preferences and select browse under vst custom folder, and browse to that folder. After hit scan.


If it doesn't do anything just close and open Ableton again and it should scan at the splash screen. Once that's finished just go to the location in the picture to find you plugins listed organized.
