"copying Devices" In Reason



I am brand new to reason (I am an FL guy). I just wanted to copy/paste a device from the combinator (malstrom synth to be exact) and get rid of the combinator and all the stuff in it. I created a new sequencer track and selected "malstrom copy" but I can not play it. I know its something rediculously simple I failed to connect or something... Solution?
No, its not as simple as that. I figured it out though, I had to drag and drop the audio out to the mixer. simple enough. hmm usually when i would try and copy devices it would do that automatically. weird.
Works for me Simple - Click copy and Paste the Device (as in Device units)

Well Least aslong as you got it working
did u plug the copy into the mixer u got it half right i think u just forgot to plug it in so flip the rack (tab) then click on the audio outs on the module and drag onto the mixer inputs dont forget to make ur sequencer track