Best software combinations.

What are some of the best software combos, I know FL goes well with alot of things but what about Reason?, and what are the hottest vst's right now?
The best combos correspond with your gear and your style/genre. So you'll get better replys if you're a little more specific in what you're looking for/looking to get from your software.
And reason can be easily re-wired into basically any other host..cubase, live, FL, sonar, etc... and used as a VST. So if you were using cubase for example and you wanted to use the malstrom from reason with your project you'd open up Reason, rewire it and set the malstrom on a midi channel in cubase...
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Esthetix said:
And reason can be easily re-wired into basically any other host..cubase, live, FL, sonar, etc... and used as a VST. So if you were using cubase for example and you wanted to use the malstrom from reason with your project you'd open up Reason, rewire it and set the malstrom on a midi channel in cubase...

Aright, I have Cubase Le, Acid 3.0. FL 6, a mpc, a triton, a soundcard, mixer, monitors and all that other stuff you need to make music.

Im making a big choice to sell the triton because Im starting to think software is where its at.

I make better beats when Im sitting comfortably on the computer rather than working with my mpc and triton,which I could make beats with but I felt limited.

I read some of the specs for battery 2 and they give you more sounds to use...I need more sounds right now than the triton has to offer.

I was looking for nice synths, nice leads, thick strings, thick basses no cheesy sounds, low-tempo type stuff...dark eerie voices and dirty sounds, the best drums.

Basically the best all around best studio software setup thats fun and easy to use.

I also want to sample, and be able to make full songs from my computer.

I'll say that Cubase goes well with anything and it probably doesn't make any difference what kind of music you make. Cubase is by far the best VSTi host.

As far as Rewire goes, Cubase is also easily the best rewire host. Rewire is rewire, but not all hosts have it implemented equally well. Some hosts have it implemented in the worst way possible. I hate to say it, but FL Studio, (which otherwise is a fine sequencer) is guilt of this. It's rewire implementation leaves a great deal to be desired. You can rewire Reason to it, but you won't have the same kind of experience you'd have with something like Cubase where everything that Rewire is capable of is possible and available to you. In FL, and a other hosts, some of Rewire's capabilities simply aren't there. Rewire is also difficult to set up and manage in FL Studio. It took me a while to "figure out" how it even worked and it was so messy that if I didn't use it for a while, I'd have to re-learn it again later. In actual use, it's also messy and difficult. In Cubase, Rewire is smooth and sensible. The way you set it up is as straight forward as you can imagine.

So my team is currently Cubase as the sequencer. I use Vsampler 3 as the sample mangler, sometimes beatslicer and even audio editor. My favorite soft sound module is Hypersonic by far. I also have a Motif Rack Es which by the way, Cubase handles in an amazing way that's worthy of an entire thread by itself. It's serious. I recently discovered Toxic II synth and it simply blew me away. I think it's the best sounding soft synth I've heard so far. It's an FM Synth but it's easier to deal with than FM7, sounds better and actually seems to be more capable. Orion Platinum just added it as a built in synth in it's latest (free) update.
You say you feel limited.. sound like you're looking for more creative potential.. There's a piece of software.. Ableton Live that you should really look into it's the most creative and "FUN" program I have ever used... Its layout is amazingly natural and easy to use. Confusing @ first if you're used to FL. The only drawback is when in Re-Wire mode you can't use your vst's in it (I don't know what the reason for that was). And man there's soooooooo many different plug-ins out there that it's really hard for me to make any recommendations to you.. Especially cuz I don't know what genre you do. A good place for extensive and easy access to info on vst's is check that place out. It's tight. I'm constantly going there and using the search function to get info on certain things I hear about.
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Im learning alot right now but whats re-wire?

If I knew what that was I could understand you...Im thinking its in Reason?,...and...Im not sure if I like Reason.

I could be totally wrong and it could be the best program ever but I got the demo and man,...its difficult.

Ive never seen anybody use reason so you know...I learned from fruity loops and I think its cool.

Does anybody use both of those together?
All kinds of people use both reason and FL @ the same time... I thought I explained the basics of rewire and LA stone elaborated even More. Simply put, rewire allows you to play stuff from one program on channels in a different program (which can come in really handy at times).
MIDAZ said:
yes u can use ableton with vst's i use it with emu desktop sound module all the time


You can't rewire ableton into a host such as cubase or sonar or something and use vst's within ableton. While ableton's being slaved this is simply NOT possible.