Pro Tools 11 Structure Question

peter p@rker

New member
I tried doing a search for this and I couldn't find anything so I figured I'd ask. This might be as super newbie question, I'm pretty new to pro tools. I'm trying to record a sample I've loaded into structure over beat that I have tracked out in pro tools 11. Thus far I've just been recording sounds from my keyboard so this is my first time using the pro tools instrument. I don't have the ability for a midi controller so I'm just using my mouse to click the piano keys on the structure screen. I have my sample loaded into structure, and I hear it when I click the keys, and it registers on the track level indicator when I'm clicking the key, but for whatever reason the sound doesn't record when I'm trying to record onto the track. If anyone could help me with this that would be greatly appreciated.

or maybe i do still need help. i bussed the instrument track with structure to an audio track. I recorded it to that track and it shows the waveform there. but it still doesn't play back when i hit the play button. does anyone know the answer?