Pitch detection singing game?

CG Kid

New member
I'm a rapper and I want to learn basic singing. I don't think my voice sounds bad but I need to learn how to control my pitch, and then see about getting lessons to improve but really I just want to learn very basic singing to better control my tone.

I'm a personality where if learning is even a little fun I will practice religiously. The ultimate solution for me is a "singing game", much like guitar hero and how it will show if you're on pitch with a needle or not and then give you a score. The problem is I don't have a game system nor do I want one (gaming addict in recovery :p).

I'm using a mac tower with mavericks. Finding this "game" is ridiculously hard! I thought it would be easy! I've been searching thoroughly for months! I know it exist, we had it in my music theory class in high school, but I can't find it anywhere.

I have found it for the iPad and iPhone, but I own neither and want to use the mic attached to my desktop. I have found similar programs on the mac, but the software is very music theory oriented - it doesn't have songs in it. I really just want to cover songs and be rated, the music theory gets tedious and boring quick and I'm not learning anything more then basic singing. Money's not so much a option at this point, if I found it I'd say "take my money!"

Any info greatly appreciated! ^_^ Thank you!
Not too sure about any singing games, but I do know that Hear and Play make some sort of vocal software. it is pitch software and you can try a 7 day trial right here. Haven't tried it myself but their normal singing lessons are pretty good too. And aside from pitch software or pitch games I'd say definitely go for some proper training for singers. I tried some online singing lessons and I found it made a huge difference in my voice. Here's a list of the major ones on the market. I don't think a vocal coach is the way to go just yet since you're just starting. I haven't hired a vocal coach yet, I'm still going through the vocal exercises and they still seem to help.