HipHop Brass? Hollywood brass?


New member
Does the industry use soundfonts or do they have brass vsts? i was thinking of purchasing hollywood brass but is it too orchestral movie like? can it be used for hiphop? Any other suggested brass vsts?
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Yeh man.

I had Brass 2. I made some cool stuff with it with effects added. It sounds like someone I know sax to mean for the "most" part. the growl is a little rough though and get a lot too if you want but the growl kinda sucks but it 'can' sound good sometimes too if tuned right. Brass 2 freezes a lot easily and is 32 bit last time I checked. I used J bridge and it works with 64 bit fine but still with original problems. Its Cpu intensive but it does get the job done. It comes with trumpets saxes and trombones and can be midi mapped and played on a keyboard easily. the trombone does not "slide" I don't think.
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