Good Drum Sampler


New member
hi, can anybody recommend a good drum sampler?
i heard battery 4 is very cpu-consuming
sampla seems great, however it doesn't have multiple outputs, which is quite silly
i don't know much about bpm or geist

im looking for something which has multiple outputs and makes it possible to layer sounds on one pad (or assign multiple pads to one "real" pad on my controller)

it doesnt need to have any other features, so it can be even freeware
it can't do layering, but LoopAZoid is pretty good for mapping 48 samples, one to each key on the keyboard.
The downside is that it's vaporware and hard to find anymore. But if anybody wants it I can upload the VST dll to a host and post the link here.
I actually found it from one of those DLL hosting sites ahahaha, as if it was a Windows OS DLL! But I downloaded it and it works just fine.