FL Studio-FPC Suddenly Stops


New member
What's good FP... Today i was messin around like usual and had some inspiration, so i start doing the do in what not... get into the the first pattern in the sequencer. Save ( Save).... Thro 2 more chops in the fpc (Save).... and left it a lone for a min... ( open it to here what i made in think on it)Then about 30 min later i open fl..click...fpc... the big square grey box didn't greet me.. yet the grey and purple box that opens when you've copied and pasted from edison to the sequencer......

Basically FPC is still on the pattern selector... But the actual plugin isnt there.. is there any way to get it back... I still have the song but not exactly where my chops were... since fpc isn't playing the sequencer wont play back what i recorded with it...
Can anyone help? I re-chopped the song added a new fpc in my pattern selector and mixer. Saved once again, 15 mins later no more fpc it just says Empty in the space where the fpc was placed in the selector
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