Is there software that records midi and synthesizes notes?



I have both Cubase and Fruity
I know how to record midi tracks from my keyboard onto cubase and then play them back on my keyboard but it's a real **** getting all the channels set up and then I have to change them every time I want to make or play a new song
I have Fruity but I have a hard time recording on it with my keyboard, first the tones are generated some time after I hit the keys and when I turn the tracks volume off and try to play with my keyboard it has trouble recording in real time. My guess is because it has trouble generating the tones while recording the notes at the same time but I don't know how to make it temporarily stop generating the tones when I record.
What I would like is a program that records and plays midi tracks like cubase but can also play them with a tone generator like fruity, or a plug-in (I think plug-in is what they call it when the computer generates the tones for the midi). I suspect cubase can also play the midi tracks with the computer or tone generator or plug-in or whatever you call it because It's a popular program and I saw some things in the cubase folders called plug-ins and they had instrument names. It's a big program and I don't know much about it.
Does anyone know how to play cubase midi tracks with a tone generator? Or do they know any other programs that can?
I'm pretty stupid and I don't know much about the software and hardware of computer music
Thank you
Blimey. What version of Cubase are you using? When you create a MIDI track, you can select the MIDI inputs and outputs in the inspector. I guess you have already got MIDI in correct to record your MIDI data. MIDI out shows a list of possible MIDI devices including VSTis (plugin tone generators). If none of these VSTis are available, select that one you want from the VSTi window. This should now be available as a MIDI out on your MIDI track. :rolleyes: